Scarlet's Witch (2009) "Scarlet's Witch" is short of a Brothers Grimm tale about a young girl named Scarlet. She is a lonely girl, with no friends. She wants a friend more than anything, even if it means finding them in the woods, where someone else that is lonely smiles and waits for a friend. I won't say more to spoil the plotline of this modern cautionary tale for those who might wish to see it. I highly recommend this movie, as well as his other YouTube indie short films. They're all the more amazing when you realize that Fred Rabbath works with no budget, one camera, one microphone, and puts all his movies together on his home computer. The results are surprisingly professional, given the limitations Rabbath Productions is under. He builds an incredible sense of menace visually around the woods, which almost becomes a character in its own right. From the very first shot of a lonely road rolling behind a car, surrounded by these woods, the whole tone of the movie is set. The lush wood shots are thick and heavy, almost suffocating. One scene I particularly like is a shot of this ancient-looking, huge gnarled oak that seems almost to have arms instead of branches, seeming to draw unsuspecting people into the danger that lies within the woods.
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